Ethical Reflction on Ready Player One

In this post, I will do an ethical reflection on the book I read during the semester: Ready Player One, a novel written by Ernest Cline. The story is about Wade Watts, a boy who lives in the year 2044, who like the rest of humanity, prefers to spend the whole day immersed in a video game called OASIS, than in real life. After the creator of OASIS dies, Wade gets involved in the search for an easter egg that the creator hid inside OASIS that promises a great fortune and total control of OASIS, finding the egg can give a complete turn to Wade's life, not before facing a whole series of adventures, difficulties and dangers. Ready player one has become one of my favorite readings of the year and now I'm more interested than ever in reading books of the same genre, I really enjoy how the story is built, the universe that the author created seems fantastic to me and all Those pop culture references that I included throughout the book made me learn a lot and get inter...