Understanding the SOLID principles

In this post, I will discuss the book section "Understanding the SOLID principles" written by Edward Guiness. SOLID is an acronym that stands for five widely accepted principles of object-oriented programming and design. It is important to know and understand clearly these principles: S ingle Responsibility Principle This principle tells us, that a class should have exactly one responsibility and exactly one reason that cause it to be changed. As I can see, this principle is very important in the design phase. We must remember that we are searching for high cohesion and low coupling. O pen/Closed Principle This principle states that a class should be open for extension but closed for modification. When we make a modification in the base class, we can break the behavior of child classes, this principle should be applied in the areas that change most likely. L iskov Substitution Principle This principle intends to keep that happy working relationship between cl...